Equipment and Facilities

We work within the Department of Molecular Sciences of Macquarie University, which boasts a suite of modern characterisation facilities including a Microscopy Unit.

Our equipment includes:

  • Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherm (Micromeritics, TriStar)
  • Dissolution Apparatus with UV-Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)
  • Calcination oven and tube furnaces (up to 900°C under various atmospheres)
  • Drying and synthesis ovens

We collaborate with Macquarie University Centre for Analytical Biotechnology (MUCAB) which has the following equipment:

  • Liquid chromatography of peptides and proteins
  • ÄKTA Purifier/Pure
  • Bio-Rad NGC 10 Plus Chromatography System
  • Circular dichroism, fluorescence and stopped-flow analysis
  • HPLC Agilent Technologies Infinity 1260
Dissolution Apparatus with UV-Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies)